I started my race season with two 10k races this year, and had good results for both. Back in March, I participated in the "Lucky Laces" run at Civic Center Park in Denver. The course was delightfully flat, the morning was cool but not cold, and the sun was just barely peeking out to create some pretty ideal running conditions. I set a PR 10k at this race, finally putting in a 6.2 mile run under an hour!
Unfortunately, this race happened the day before I left for Asia in March, and my training suffered a lot while I toured the Asian countries to see our factories. My running has been a little bit "off" since then, and I've also been battling a knee injury these last several weeks.
As much as I have been preferring to rest my knee and avoid a typical running routine lately, last weekend was my second 10k of the season, and luckily everything felt pretty normal. My knee felt good throughout the whole race, although it was unseasonably cold. Considering the race was sponsored by YogurtLand, our prize of frozen yogurt after the run was a little tough to stomach. haha
This was also one of the first races I did with a friend. One of my co-workers met me last Saturday morning and ran along side me, cheering me on and pushing me to run faster and master the hilly course laughing and smiling the whole time. It was really a blast, and I need to find out if she'll come to Indiana to pace me in July... ;) LOL It wasn't my best 10k result, but I was only two minutes slower than my best time on a much hillier route. So I was happy with that!!