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  • rachlerickson

My Way or the Tri Way: August 30, 2015

Soon after I arrived home from my trip to Germany, I headed out to the Aurora Reservoir for my last triathlon of the season. This event is special because it allows the racers to choose the order of how they want to race. So you could bike, run, swim if you wanted... Or any combination of the three, or any combination of just two of the sports.

When I signed up for this race, it was supposed to be my last training race before my Half Ironman this year, so I wanted to make sure I was racing in the correct order. (After some trips were booked and my training dropped off, I had decided not to do the Half IM this year, so this became my last event for 2015...)

Waking up at 4:00am, still having some symptoms of jet lag was not easy. On top of that, having spent my last week of training down at sea level to try to race at altitude was also adding a level of difficulty. Strike three for the morning was the crazy wind out in Aurora. It made the water choppy, the ride tough, and the run very frustrating. Needless to say, I didn't have a very stellar race. But the event was really fun, with a great organization out there to support everyone.

I'm looking forward to some time off from training now. A little mental and physical break from the rigor will be really good for me. I'll look to ramp back up at the turn of the year and get back into it for the 2016 season!

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