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  • rachlerickson

Welcome to Pearl Izumi

Not many people have been privy to the newest news in our lives, but I am finally in a good place and ready to share with the world that I am now a Product Developer for the amazing brand: Pearl Izumi!!

After years of pining away for this position, I am finally in! I just spent my first week learning some of the details about the best running, cycling and triathlon gear in the industry. I feel like the week was a "glimpse" of the good life, and now I have to go back to the real world. But I am just too lucky to get to go back week after week now... Getting a position at Pearl Izumi was one of the reasons we wanted to move to this area in the first place, and it feels like so many pieces of our life puzzle are really falling into place. Amazing job, new dream home almost finished, and all in a location that we absolutely love.

I am already inspired to keep up with my triathlons, which was definitely being questioned after my first open swim Tri on June 29th. The swim scared me because of the hectic start. I had a hard time finding my breath, and was really contemplating ending my Tri training. But the encouragement at work (and the potential that the hubs might start to join me) is making me re-consider. First, I have to get back into some great running shape for the Boulder Half Marathon in October, but then I think it will be back in the pool and back on the trainer, too. I'm kind of excited...

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