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  • rachlerickson

Drunken Noodles

Another Thai dish on our list to make was Drunken Noodles. Rice noodles in a sweet and spicy sauce, this time with chicken. The dish turned out pretty good, although not as good as the Pad Thai we made a while ago. Happily, it introduced us to Asian Chili Garlic sauce, which we were both liking a lot. So that will make it into some future dishes for sure.

This week being Thanksgiving, we're using the big day in the kitchen as our cooking adventure this week. I'm hoping that the meal turns out great this year, since I can put a little more love into it, not being totally jet lagged like I was last year! I'll be sure to update on that soon...

December holds not only Christmas and New Year weekends, but we're also spending a weekend in New York with my favorite chef on the planet. So I'm hoping to get some great cooking hints, tips and secrets revealed while I'm there. Also, this only leaves us two more weekends for adventurous cooking!! I'm thinking we need to do 1) Whole, live lobsters and 2) Duck. They seem to be the two dishes that I really wanted to tackle this year, and haven't gotten to yet. So expect to see those on here in the next month, too. Exciting!!

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