Thanksgiving is already a week past, and Christmas is upon us. My shopping is only half-way done, and my calendar tells me that I need to ship out packages to everyone this weekend! Eek!! I definitely have some work to do...

This year, the hubs and I made our Thanksgiving meal from scratch. (Ok, I didn't raise and slaughter the turkey or grow the ingredients on my tiny porch, but it was as "from scratch" as possible). I even baked the bread this year, along with a pie AND a cake. It was pretty fabulous, if you ask me.
In its entirety, the meal consisted of homemade mac & cheese, homemade "smashed" potatoes, grandma's stuffing, mom's gravy, homemade pretzel knots and a butterball turkey. For dessert, my spiced pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting fell in the oven, but still tasted good. And the pumpkin cheesecake with maple walnut topping was seriously to die for! I was glad we had leftovers... And we had plenty! (Honestly, I just finished them today).
I even set up a little table, using our "good" wedding dishes, silverware and our favorite beer mugs from Tiffany's. I think we're ready to host the dinner! Now we just need to convince people to get on a plane to come out here to see us, and possibly acquire more than two place settings of the nice stuff...
